Hello! 🤓

This is a boilerplate by Haute Technologies.

  1. SSR JSON GET example. Initialize backend.
  2. SSR Apollo GraphQL fetch getServerSideProps example.
  3. Browser-side GET request headers example.
  4. Browser-side Apollo GraphQL useLazyQuery example. Initialize backend.
  5. Browser-side Apollo GraphQL useQuery example.
  6. Browser-side Apollo GraphQL useQuery & useMutation example.
  7. Responsive example.
  8. Navbar example.
  9. Drawer example.
  10. Responsive navbar + responsive footer example.
  11. API HTTP GET example.
  12. API HTTP POST endpoint: /api/post-test (send URL encoded Form value with key of 'testKey' and cookie)
  13. CSR useEffect XHR AJAX example. Initialize backend.
  14. Sign-in without antd form example.
  15. Sign-in with antd form example.
  16. Sign-in with OAuth via NextAuth example.
  17. Sign-in with OAuth custom example.
  18. Username availability check (no axios) example.
  19. Username availability check with axios example.
  20. Signup / registration example.
  21. Lottie example.

Ant Design Widget + CSS test. DatePicker should appear below.
